MBA Classification
A student’s status is changed to classified standing when an official study plan has been approved. An official study plan is approved once all pre-classification requirements have been met. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the request for classified standing by either making an appointment with your Graduate Programs Advisor or by filling out a petition for classification.
NOTE: Unclassified students have “restricted enrollment” until they have petitioned for classification and been approved.
What is Restricted Enrollment?
There are a limited number of courses open to students who have not petitioned or been granted classified status. Students who are unclassified are only eligible to enroll in unrestricted courses. Once you have submitted your petition for classification and it has been approved, you will then be eligible to enroll in restricted courses.
Unrestricted Courses
Courses | |
MATH 135* (once Mathematical Qualifying Exam (MQE) is completed through the testing center) |
ISDS 513 or ISDS 361A |
BUAD 501 / BUAD 501A |
ACCT 510 |
ECON 515 |
MGMT 518 |
MGMT 524 |
MGMT 516 |
ACCT 511 |
300-Level Accounting Prerequisites (once Mathematical Qualifying Exam (MQE) is completed through the testing center) |
*Note: MATH 135 may be completed at a community college. Please check for equivalencies. If taken at a community college, an official transcript must be sent directly to your graduate advisor once grades are posted.
Restricted Courses (classified standing)
Courses | |
FIN 517 |
ECON 521 |
ISDS 514 |
All 400-Level Electives |
MKTG 519 |
All 500-Level Electives |
BUAD 591 |
How Do I Initiate a Request?
You are welcome to schedule an appointment using the online calendar. However, the most efficient way to request classification is by email.
Fill out the Petition for Classification for the Flex MBA.
Fill out the Petition for Classification for the Fully Employed MBA (FEMBA).
Submit the petition via email to If you schedule an appointment, bring a completed “Petition for Classification” with you to the meeting. The petition takes four to five business days to process.
When Do I Initiate a Request?
Students will submit a petition for classification once they have enrolled in all required pre-classification courses. In addition, the necessary documents from the list below must be submitted.
Pre-classification Requirements
MATH 135 Business Calculus or equivalent — must be completed by the end of your second semester in the program.
ISDS 513, ISDS 361A or equivalent — must be completed by the end of your second semester in the program.
BUAD 501 or equivalent — must be completed in your first semester in the program with a "B" or better.
Submit Concentration/Elective Approval Sheet
Submit Replacement Approval Sheet (if applicable)
All evaluation forms must be submitted and decision(s) finalized.
To avoid registration problems, keep in mind that it takes 4 to 5 business days to process your petition for classification. It is required that you petition for classification.
Spring Registration – Petitions should be filed no later than September 1, so you do not run into registration problems with restricted courses in the spring.
Summer Registration – Petitions should be filed no later than March 1, so you do not run into registration problems with restricted courses in the summer.
Fall Registration – Petitions should be filed no later than April 1, so you do not run into registration problems with restricted courses in the fall.