Academic Probation
Please review the academic notice information below. Please keep in mind you do need to meet with your advisor and bring a copy of the Academic Success Sheet. It is critical to your success in the program that read all the information provided.
What is Academic Notice* (formerly Academic Probation)
A student enrolled in a graduate degree program will be placed on academic notice if either the graduate or the Study Plan grade point average falls below a 3.0. A graduate student may also be placed on academic notice for reasons other than graduate and/or Study Plan grade point average. Last, if the foundation or accounting prerequisite grade point average falls below a 3.0 a student will be placed on academic notice. Notice will commence with the fall or spring semester following the session in which the study plan and/or cumulative grade-point average failed to meet the 3.0 (B) standard. It is the student's responsibility to become familiar with and understand the Academic Notice Policy and Academic Standards.
Graduate students in the College of Business & Economics will be allowed two semesters, following the semester in which the grade point average fell below the minimum 3.0, excluding summer terms, on academic notice. However, students are subject to disqualification if they are unable to improve their academic situation or if their academic situation worsens at the end of their first semester following the semester in which the grade point average fell below the minimum 3.0.
Students on academic notice in their second semester, following the semester in which the grade point average fell below the minimum 3.0, are "not" eligible to enroll during their third semester until grades are reviewed. This means students will not be eligible to utilize early registration.
Areas of Significance for Academic Notice
As you continue forward there are several items that you must keep in mind . There are several areas that determine academic notice: Overall, Study Plan, Foundation, and pre-requisites.
- All 400 & 500 level courses will have an impact on your overall cumulative grad GPA overall cumulative grad GPA even if the course is not included on your Study Plan / Advising Worksheet.
- Courses that are 100 and 200 level will not have an impact on your cumulative grad or study plan GPA (ex: MATH 135 and ISDS 265).
- 300 level courses, if required on your advising worksheet, will not have an impact on your overall cumulative GPA or study plan GPA; however, the GPA for the prerequisite area will be impacted.
Pre-classification courses may not be used to improve your study plan GPA; however, the courses will impact your overall cumulative grad GPA. Please see the list below for pre-classification courses according to program:
- MBA: ISDS 513
- MSIS: BUAD 501
- MSA: ACCT 510
- MST: ACCT 510
All graduate programs require:
A minimum 3.0 GPA ("B") is required in study plan courses and overall applicable coursework. Any study plan course with a grade lower than a "C" (2.0) must be repeated and passed with a "C" (2.0) or better.
The Office of Graduate Studies approaches the subjects of student academic notice and disqualification very seriously and methodically. We follow the requirements of both state law and CSUF university policy, as outlined in the University Catalog. In addition, we consult with the graduate program advisor or chair of the department involved and conduct an in-house discussion of each potential disqualification case.
The Associate Vice President, Academic Programs, in consultation with the College of Business and Economics, may disqualify a graduate student who is on academic notice if the student does not, or cannot raise the study plan and cumulative grade-point average to 3.0 by the completion of the second regular semester following the semester in which the grade-point average fell below the minimum 3.0 standard. In addition, if at anytime it becomes mathematically impossible to raise a your GPA to a 3.0 (B) average you will be removed from the program regardless of the number of semesters you have been on probation.
What is the next step in the process?
Students who go on Academic Notice for the first time must fill out an Academic Success Sheet (pdf) and follow Five Steps that have been created to help you successfully remove yourself from academic probation:
Step 1:
Fill out the Academic Success Sheet (pdf)
Calculate your Grade Point Balance and your Grade Point Average (GPA) Use the Grade Point Balance System to calculate your GPA. Instructions and details on the Grade point balance system are found in the Academic Success Sheet (pdf).
Step 2:
The Graduate Business Program's priority is to help you prepare for and graduate from college. At Cal State Fullerton there are several resources on campus to facilitate your success. Please see the Academic Success & Campus Support Services page in your GSH for resources available to you on campus.
Step 3:
After reading through all the Academic success material schedule an appointment (due to the complexity of academic notice questions will not be taken via email or over the phone -- an appointment is required).
You are required to bring a copy of your Academic Success Sheet (pdf)
Step 4: - Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):
If you are receiving financial aid you will need to meet with a financial aid advisor about your options. To be eligible to receive federal and state financial aid, you must be maintaining progress toward a specific degree or credential. Maintaining academic progress at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) means you must:
- meet the minimum cumulative grade point average standard
- meet the "pace" requirement by completing at least 70% of the units you attempt each academic year
- complete your educational program within the maximum timeframe
For details on SAP please review the Financial Aid website at: